Signs Your Body Really Needs a Massage
The most obvious sign that you need a massage is that you hurt. This can be pain in your shoulders, neck, back, hips, or nearly anywhere on your body. The pain that doesn’t go away naturally can often be remedied, or at least minimized, by getting a massage on a regular basis. Tightness of large muscles, or a limitation on your life due to muscle pain, should point you in the direction of getting a massage.Another sign that you need a massage is the occurrence of tension headaches. Typically, when the larger muscle groups in the upper half of your body are getting tight, it leads to a tension buildup. This leads to you getting tension headaches which can be difficult to get rid of. Getting a massage allows those muscles to relax, and it allows the tension to be released from your body instead of building up and causing additional pain.
When you become limited in how much each joint can move, that is a very good sign that you could benefit from a massage. Losing your normal range of motion can limit your quality of life, plus it can increase your stress. As soon as you notice that you are losing the ability to move like you normally would, you need to go in and get a massage. The sooner you get the problem addressed, the less range of motion you are bound to lose, and the sooner you are bound to feel better.
Massages Allow Your Body to Relax
Getting a massage provides stress relief and pain relief, among other benefits. The more often you make a massage a regular part of your routine, the more benefits you get out of the practice as a whole. You should be going in once every 1-2 weeks to get the pain under control. Then, once you can keep your pain controlled, you should be going in 1-2 times per month to maintain your range of movement and keep the pain down.When you get regular maintaining massages, you will find that your body responds in many positive ways. You will feel better, sleep better, stay calmer, and typically get sick less often. To schedule a massage with Academy Massage today, give us a call. We can help get you feeling better, and help you stay that way.